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Duo coaching


Do you want to grow further in your role as people manager or project manager? Do you wonder, what got you where you are now, does that get you where you want to be? Are you looking for new approaches and ways of thinking to increase your options? And do you want to learn from and with a colleague? Then duo coaching is made for you.

This is it

Duo coaching is a form of coaching in which you, together with a peer manager (from your own or another organisation) and our coach, initiate your further development. Duo coaching is very effective, because you enact the follow-up actions as part of your day to day work. That is the key to effective and structural change.

This is how it works

Duo coaching takes place in threes: two peer managers and our coach. The first meeting is all about contracting in which we discuss expectations, goals, mutual trust and the way of working. If all parties want to continue, we come to more specific agreements about the goals, the frequency of the sessions and the follow-up. The starting point for every coaching session is a real-life case or issue of one of the participants. These issues are discussed, questioned, viewed from multiple angles and analysed. Tips and positives are shared and, where necessary, supplemented with a theoretical framework (presentations, handouts, sources of inspiration). The discussions always conclude with one or more next steps. If, after some time, it turns out that this way of working is insufficient to meet the coaching goals, our coach reverses the roles and gives the participants concrete tasks in order to achieve the agreed results. On average we do 6 sessions of 1.5 hours, but this depends hugely on the coaching questions and expected results. Our coach regularly evaluates with the participants. It is always possible to stop earlier or renew the contract.

As a result of these duo coaching sessions

  • You are able to put yourself in the position of others;
  • You understand and use multiple ways of thinking to determine solutions to problems and challenges;
  • You are able to apply different approaches;
  • You take more time for explicit reflection;
  • You really make each other better in your daily work and
  • Your organisation has more people-oriented managers who evaluate and adjust their performance themselves and achieve better results together.


Then be sure to contact Juul Mulder and ask for an informal conversation.

+31 6 10 94 65 64

What our clients tell us

“A gift! 1.5 hours to stop and think about real-life cases, your own approach and that of someone else.”


“I’ve seen her grow stronger, with more guts and confidence.”


“Duo coaching has increased mutual trust and improved collaboration.”


“The coach is challenging, empathetic and listens well, but also grabs you and does not let you go, until the next step is figured out.”


“A safe environment to discuss (difficult) things without hesitation. And the coach creates that open, safe and pragmatic setting.”

Target audience

 Two peer managers who want to learn from each other, who trust each other and who work at a comparable level in the same organisation or industry.