Client case
Flexible working arrangements
A new way of working was introduced at a highly innovative company, delivering high-tech machines for agriculture, which had recently grown to over two thousand employees worldwide. This way of working was aimed at more effective and efficient collaboration. People wanted to work in a more flexible way. Less time- and location-dependent and more results-oriented. An important part of this change was the implementation of an employee performance management system. However, the vast majority of employees and managers had never worked with an employee performance management system, or carried out performance interviews, before.
This project was carried out and supervised by Juul. She has the required business knowledge and didactic experience. She achieves the set goals in co-production, helping the organisation to move ahead, instead of taking over and taking away responsibility. Juul works in a structured way and is capable of doing what is needed. She is characterised by her astute analyses, high level of involvement and clear communication towards her clients.

We started with selecting a pilot group of around 15 managers and 85 employees from different departments of the organisation. Over ten percent of this target group was consulted with, as well as with the most important stakeholders in the organisation, in order to determine the training needs and requirements. Based on this, four short modules were developed, as well as materials for on-the-job training. This was all done in close cooperation with the internal project leader. The modules were carried out over a period of one year. The materials were put into use and each component was extensively evaluated with everyone involved. The modules, supporting materials and software applications were adapted where necessary.
After this, the project was scaled up to a much larger target group. This was enabled by training and supervising a pool of external trainers and a pool of internal co-trainers. Again, everything was evaluated extensively and adjustments were made where necessary. Finally, the rest of the organisation was trained and all knowledge, experience and materials were transferred to the HR function.
The implementation of well-prepared and well-executed performance interviews, with follow-up. Improved cooperation and a more results-oriented and flexible working environment. Objective and consistent assessment and remuneration throughout the entire organisation. Employees at different levels with new didactic skills, which they can also put to use in other situations and projects.
Decisive factors during this project
In a broad program that affects all employees, it is key to immediately build support and to take all feedback seriously. The most enthusiastic employees, as well as the most critical employees, were deployed as co-trainers to help bring about the various improvements. In addition, it was essential to keep the link between the performance management system and the remuneration of employees clear from the start.