Gaining confidence in the new accounting software

Client case

Gaining confidence in the new accounting software


The auditor of a client in the semi-public sector had to do its audit based on manual procedures as it could not rely on automated processes in the accounting system. The work of both the auditor and the organisation therefore was costly and time-consuming.

Partly for this reason, the customer needed new financial accounting software. The organisation had opted for a standard cloud solution. Furthermore, the IT landscape consisted of various systems relevant to its financial transactions and business operations. In order to achieve correct data processing, a lot of attention needed to be paid to the interfaces between the various systems. During these developments, the customer wanted to know whether the system met the requirements and could guarantee reliable data processing.

The client asked for an independent review on the implementation process, the design of the business processes in the ERP system, the way in which the management and IT controls were set up, and the quality of the interfaces between different systems.

Ferry is a specialist in this area. Through his excellent knowledge of various standards relating to financial processes, control measures and project management, Ferry was able to identify the relevant risks and points of attention and to propose concrete improvements.


During the implementation of a centralised IT solution, stakeholders from different functions and departments are involved. Each of them has knowledge of their own field. In addition, each of them has their own wishes and priorities. In many cases, an objective and risk-aware view is lacking and it remains difficult to oversee the whole.


In order to deliver useful advise, we started by understanding the processes within the organisation. Our knowledge of best practice frameworks for IT, project and financial processes combined with our insight into the IT landscape was the basis for our questions during interviews.


Asking critical and direct questions to various stakeholders within the organisation contributes to two goals. Not only an integral picture of the current and desired implementation was formed, it also created awareness of risks and mitigating measures and opened the dialogue between the different functions and departments.


Ferry therefore paid a lot of attention to involving the relevant people and initiating valuable dialogues about the implementation of the system. Before the report was issued, the organisation already had insights from different standards to take next steps and realise the implementation.


The independent review ensured that the client was aware of the risks within the project, the financial business processes and also the IT management system. Even before the system went into production, measures had been taken and processes improved based on best practice standards. Thanks to these points of reference and controls, the client had more confidence in the reliability of the data processing. In addition, the possibilities for automation were optimally used and the involvement and knowledge of the new system increased significantly.

Decisive factors during this project

Substantive knowledge of project management, financial processes as well as IT management is a necessary factor for a thorough and integrated assessment. However, in addition to substantive expertise, it is just as important to understand the different perspectives and factors within an organisation. Creating awareness and providing guidance during the review ensures that dialogue takes place between different departments so that the right decisions are taken. Involving all relevant stakeholders and carefully considering different perspectives is what made the project a success. At Next Ready Partners we stand for a perfect balance between process, content and people.

A digital platform that is actually used

Client case

A digital platform that is actually used


Many organisations face this challenge, how to move from a traditional, mainly content-based service provider to a digitally operating service provider that uses the possibilities of contemporary technology. This accountancy and advisory firm communicated with its customers mainly by e-mail. Its recommendations, VAT returns and other important documents were sent by e-mail. This resulted in a fragmented and less secure document storage. Finding and combining information took a manual effort. Drawing the right conclusions and taking the right decisions was therefore very difficult. A digital platform had been created to collect documents in a central, secured environment. However, given the priorities and limited resources of the organisation, there was little or no progress in the further development and adoption of this platform. 

The client’s request was to lead a project with the aim of further developing the platform into a multifunctional portal for both employees and customers, and to increase the adoption of the platform, both internally and externally. The platform had to become the standard for secure communication, information supply, and document storage.

Ferry van der Ende was the project leader for this project. Ferry ensured involvement of stakeholders and progress in developing the platform. With clarity and enthusiasm Ferry was able to get the commitment of his project members and with his decisiveness he was able to coordinate the right steps to a successful project.


If a clear vision for the development and application of a digital platform is lacking and responsibilities are not properly assigned, a project sometimes lingers on without moving in the right direction and achieving results. The project team had limited resources and insufficient knowledge to take the right steps.

After a short inventory period, Ferry determined which impulses were needed to move the project forward. First of all, team members did not know exactly which responsibilities and mandate they had and some important competences were missing to make the right decisions from a technical and business perspective. Secondly, there was no consistent process for setting priorities in functionality to be developed. In addition, no clear test strategy and release process had been established. Reporting to the sponsor on progress and results was also lacking. Thirdly, there was too little visible commitment on the part of management, as a result of which the organisation made limited use of the platform and user experiences were not shared with the project team. 


Ferry therefore paid a lot of attention to expanding and organising the project team, assigning tasks and responsibilities and giving recognition to the actions carried out. A consistent development process was organised, by means of digital tools such as MS DevOps. This made it clear by whom and when the development items were defined, verified, developed and tested before being brought live. In addition, much effort was put into the aspect of adoption by the different departments within the organisation. The users were inspired, trained and supported in the workplace. A pool of key-users was composed and trained in their role as change agent and ambassador, showing good example behaviour. Senior management presented themselves a sponsors of this project and emphasised its importance.


The development process has been made structured and transparent, making the project team’s working method effective. Through increased focus on the project and input from the various departments, the platform has developed into a multifunctional portal with the latest technologies for secure communication between employees and customers. The use of the platform has increased significantly, experiences are shared and feedback is taken up for continuous improvement of the platform.

Decisive factors in this project

Appreciation and recognition of team members’ efforts and achievements have proved essential. For people with different roles and responsibilities, it is necessary to provide clarity in priorities and tasks and to give them the recognition they deserve. The difference that Next Ready Partners makes is that, in addition to process and content, much attention is paid to the team, job satisfaction and the development of the various team members.