Project and program management


Project and program management


The terms project and programme are often used interchangeably. The purpose of a single program is different from the purpose of a more extensive program. A project involves achieving a concrete, clearly defined result, such as a bridge, a website, a new version of a system. Deliver within time, budget and quality and oh if there are changes. Then the alarm bells go off and adjustments have to be made in order to be able to deliver within time, budget and quality. Whether agile/scrum is used or not, there must be delivered.

A program is about realizing added value in the long term, contributing to the strategy of the organization, such as better efficiency, higher margins, higher customer satisfaction. Program managers oversee and coordinate the various projects and other strategic initiatives in an organization with a common goal. The program manager has room in the realisation of the strategic benefits, as long as he has the confidence of the stakeholders and the sponsor. But make no mistake, here too, actual, added measurable results must be delivered.

This is it

In order to steer projects and programmes and to maximise the chances of realisation, a good governance structure must be set up. In addition, steering on key indicators (KPIs) or metrics must be properly agreed. In order to steer single projects, we mainly look at time, money and quality. Also called the devil triangle. Because it is not easy to determine which of three is the most important for a specific project. 

In programs we also use other indicators, such as, the quality of the plan, stakeholder involvement, are goals included in the annual plans of the teams, key figures are sufficiently freed up, a sponsor remains until the end of the program or changes during the project, is there attention for change management and how is that filled in, etc. If agile work is done, there is continuous improvement. After delivering a work package, the project team will evaluate and improve.
Steering more complex programs requires a coherent set of indicators that provide insight into the state of affairs at any time. In this way, one is also challenged to think about measurable, concrete project results and management thereof. At NRP, experiences are exchanged, people learn from each other and difficult situations are discussed with a team of experts.


Then be sure to contact Arie Huisman and ask for an informal conversation.

+31 6 15 01 45 82

What our clients tell us

“An independent review on different aspects of the ERP implementation has provided surprising and useful insights. Thanks to the report and dialogue with NRP, we have made the necessary changes and taken measures to obtain lasting certainty about our financial data.”


“A critical review strengthens the confidence that we are going in the right direction and because of the pragmatic and transparent approach it was pleasant working together.”

Target audience

Financial directors, project sponsors, steering committee members and IT directors, who want to know whether the implementation contributes to the strategic goals of the organisation and whether the new system provides guarantees for reliable data processing.

Project portfolio management


Project portfolio management


Wat verstaan we onder project portfolio management (PPM), ook bekend als portfolio management? Voor Next Ready Partners gaat het om het beheer van projectvoorstellen, projecten en programma’s om bredere bedrijfsinitiatieven te verwezenlijken. Project portfolio management helpt bij het plannen van toekomstige projecten door directieleden beter inzicht te geven waar de beste investeringen gedaan kunnen worden. Bovendien helpen project portofolio processen u om hiaten in de huidige projectportefeuille te vinden of de huidige projecten te identificeren die een belemmering kunnen vormen voor het voltooien van een toekomstig project.

Een voorbeeld om het bovenstaande te verduidelijken. Programmamanagers leiden gelijksoortige projecten, terwijl portfoliomanagers volledig niet aan elkaar gerelateerde projecten kunnen beheren. Een IT-programmamanager kan bijvoorbeeld een ERP-implementatie en een BI-implementatie beheren. Hoewel het verschillende projecten zijn, kunnen ze gebruik maken van vergelijkbare middelen en er baat bij hebben als ze door dezelfde persoon worden beheerd.

Een portfoliomanager kan een software-implementatieprogramma beheren naast zijn inhoudelijke marketingprogramma. Hoewel deze twee programma’s elkaar qua middelen misschien niet veel overlappen, is het toch belangrijk om ze samen te beschouwen bij het plannen van de toekomst van het bedrijf. Het is belangrijk op te merken dat een portfoliomanager naast een project ook een programma kan beheren, of misschien zelfs meerdere portfolio’s.

Een pre-implementatie review van NRP is een onafhankelijke beoordeling van de inrichting van de systeem inrichting, beheersprocessen inclusief beheersmaatregelen. Aan de hand van onze ‘best practice’ financiële en logistieke raamwerken toetsen we inrichting van het nieuwe systeem. Wij helpen veelvoorkomende valkuilen te vermijden en doen pragmatische aanbevelingen om met vertrouwen het nieuwe systeem in gebruik te nemen. We maken zichtbaar welke waarborgen zijn gesteld, welke nog ontbreken, welke risico’s bestaan en wat je er daaraan kunt doen.

Zo werkt het

Bij implementatie van een bedrijfskritieke IT-oplossing is het belangrijk om vertrouwen te hebben in de relevante processen, dataverwerking en adoptie. Personen vanuit verschillende functies hebben een belang bij de implementatie van een systeem. De belangen vanuit bijvoorbeeld operatie, beheer en de finance afdeling kunnen verschillen en het is daarom lastig een integraal beeld te vormen over risico’s en de meest optimale inrichting van een systeem. Door het interviewen van de betrokkenen en het bestuderen van alle relevantie documentatie bouwen we ons beeld op van de situatie en de nodige stappen om tot een betrouwbaar systeem te komen. We acteren als een kritische partner. Dat doen we niet alleen op basis van onze kennis en ervaring, maar ook op basis van bewezen standaarden en raamwerken. Onze review uitkomsten worden met de belangrijkste stakeholders besproken, zodat draagvlak en begrip ontstaat. Zo krijgen jullie inzicht in risico’s en de nodige stappen om de implementatie succesvol af te ronden.


  • Heb je inzicht in de status en aanpak van het implementatieproces. 
  • Hebben wij onze observaties, onze ervaringen en aanbevolen maatregelen op basis van industrie standaarden met je gedeeld. 
  • Zorgen we ervoor dat er waarborgen zijn om risico’s rondom systeembeheer te mitigeren. 
  • Zal het vertrouwen in de verandering en toepassing van het nieuwe systeem vergroot zijn. 


Neem dan zeker contact op met Arie Huisman en vraag om een vrijblijvend gesprek.

+31 6 15 01 45 82

Wat klanten zeggen

“Een onafhankelijke blik op verschillende aspecten van de ERP implementatie heeft voor verrassende en bruikbare inzichten gezorgd. Dankzij het rapport en dialoog met NRP hebben we de nodige wijzigingen doorgevoerd en maatregelen getroffen om blijvend zekerheid te krijgen over financiële data.”


“Een kritische review versterkt het vertrouwen dat we de goede kant opgaan en met een pragmatische en transparante aanpak was het prettig samenwerken.”


Financieel directeur, project sponsoren, stuurgroepleden en IT directeuren, die willen weten of de implementatie voldoet aan de organisatiedoelen en of de veranderde situatie waarborgen stelt voor een betrouwbare gegevensverwerking. 

Digital transformation


Digital transformation


Achieving your organisational goals by means of digitalisation, that is what you want to achieve, and that’s usually more than just a nice ‘return on investment’. You already know that this is not just an IT project, that it also involves an organisational change, that new competencies are needed and that this has proven difficult in the past. Next Ready Partners is able, with all our experience, to steer digitalisation in the right direction, to add real value and to realise long-lasting results. Next Ready Partners takes care of a proper set-up for all relating projects. We assure that the puzzle, which needs to be solved, between strategy and digitisation, is not addressed as an assignment for IT or the CIO alone.

This is our approach

Digitisation has many faces. Implementing new IT systems, digitising existing processes, starting up digital services, working in a case-oriented way in the Cloud. It all goes hand in hand with new ways of working. These are not IT projects, but organisational transformations with an IT component. The impact on the organisation is big and so is the risk of failure. This requires a well-organised but also flexible approach. Next Ready Partners helps you as the sponsor, the project team and your organisation to be successful in achieving your objectives. We pay special attention to the creation of a clear project management structure, the translation of strategic goals into project objectives, the management of risks and an integrated approach to competence development. With this, we ensure connection with the various teams and secure success for the future.

This is how it works

We temporarily become part of your organisation. We actively contribute to its success. Together, we determine the strategy for getting from A to B(etter). The methodology we choose can differ per (sub)project. Think of Prince2, Agile, Scrum, Lean Six Sigma or a mix of these.

By using this approach

  • You have and maintain insight in the projects, the progress, the expected costs.
  • Your stakeholders will be permanently involved and you will develop support from the start.
  • The organisation will be optimally prepared for the new reality.
  • There will be a solid structure for the future.
  • Your employees learn how to successfully realise projects.


Than be sure to contact Arie Huisman and ask fora n informal conversation.

+31 6 15 01 45 82

What our clients tell us

“I do hope that you will continue to be involved in our future projects.”


“NRP managed our Oracle EBS Cloud project very well for us. NRP gained instant acceptance of our employees. NRP was able to build strong trust and confidence with the country managers and the executive board, needed to make the project a success.”


“Well done. Congratulations on going live with Case-Oriented Working. Our new customer portal makes it possible to register and handle objections, requests for postponement of payment and customer questions. I am eager to learn more about your approach and the lessons learned for our other projects.”


Target audience

Sponsors of digitalisation projects, who understand that temporary help from outside can be a crucial to realisation and lasting success.

System pre-implementation review


System pre-implementation review


An IT system implementation can be an important change in your organisation. Before a new system is put into use, you want to be sure that it meets the requirements and that the organization is ready for this change. Your accountant also expects an increased level of certainty about your processes and data. Are you (jointly) responsible for the success of an IT implementation? Do you have questions like: Does the system contribute sufficiently to the business strategy? Is the data processing reliable? Do we have the system management in order? Is the organisation ready for this change? If so, an external review provides an independent assessment of the quality of the implementation. If the result is satisfactory, you can finalise the implementation and go ‘live’ with confidence.

This is our implementation review

A system implementation review of NRP is an independent assessment of the system set-up, the system management processes, and its control measures. We test the design of the new system on the basis of our ‘best practice’ financial and logistics frameworks. We help avoid common pitfalls and make pragmatic recommendations so that you can start using the system with confidence. We make visible which control measures have been implemented, which risks still exist and what you can do to mitigate these risks.

This is how it works

When implementing a business-critical IT solution, it is important to have confidence in the relevant processes, data processing and adoption. People from different functions have an interest in the implementation of a system. The interests of operations, management and the finance department may differ and it is therefore difficult to form an integral picture of the risks and the most optimal design of a system. By interviewing those involved and studying all relevant documentation, we create an overview of the situation and the necessary steps to achieve a reliable system. We act as a critical partner. We do this not only on the basis of our knowledge and experience, but also on the basis of proven standards and frameworks. Our review results are discussed with the most important stakeholders, to create support and understanding. This way, you gain insight into risks and the necessary steps to successfully complete the implementation.

As a result of this review

  • You have insight into the status and quality of the implementation process.
  • You have insight into the most important process risks and how you can mitigate them (automated).
  • We have shared our observations, experiences and recommended actions based on industry standards.
  • You have an overview of the relevant IT controls that are necessary to ensure safe and effective IT management.
  • Confidence in the change and application of the new system will be increased.


Then be sure to contact Ferry van der Ende and ask for an informal conversation.

+31 6 28 23 55 49

What our clients tell us

“An independent review on different aspects of the ERP implementation has provided surprising and useful insights. Thanks to the report and dialogue with NRP, we have made the necessary changes and taken measures to obtain lasting certainty about our financial data.”


“A critical review strengthens the confidence that we are going in the right direction and because of the pragmatic and transparent approach it was pleasant working together.”

Target audience

Financial directors, project sponsors, steering committee members and IT directors, who want to know whether the implementation contributes to the strategic goals of the organisation and whether the new system provides guarantees for reliable data processing.

Project portfolio scan


Project portfolio scan


Do you recognise this? People are working on several projects at the same time and doing a little bit of everything. New projects are added to the growing list of active projects. The result is a lack of focus and ultimately a delayed delivery with a lower quality. Do you want more structure in the realisation of your projects? Do you want better choices and more added value? Portfolio management is an effective way to set a clear course for organisations and to make simpler decisions about which projects to start or to continue and which not. This makes it an extremely valuable investment, which always pays for itself.

This is it

Portfolio management is the decision-making process in which (new) projects and programmes are evaluated, selected and prioritised in order to achieve organisational goals. The objective is to find a balance between implementing change and maintaining operations while optimising the return on investment. Together with you, we create a project portfolio for the next few years in line with your strategy, for a specific department or for the entire organisation. The project portfolio scan is ideally carried out before a budgeting round.

This is how it works

Step one is to gain insight into the current situation. Together, we go through the list of active projects, their status and how they contribute to achieving the organisation’s objectives. Then we add all the ideas and projects that are in the pipeline. In one or more workshops with the board and/or department heads, we evaluate, select and prioritise your projects. NRP will not only assist you in the process of creating a project portfolio, but will also provide substantive input on which projects we think should be included in the portfolio. The lead time of a project portfolio scan is normally a few weeks.

As a result of this scan

  • There is one list of current projects, including owners, statuses, expected revenues and expected costs to complete the projects.
  • There is a list of projects you will be working on in the coming year(s) that is in line with your strategy and organisational objectives.
  • You know whether project management capacity needs to be added, and if so, how much.
  • You are able to realise a faster and cheaper project delivery.


Then be sure to contact Maarten Broekhuizen and ask for an informal conversation.

+31 6 51 88 55 49

What our clients tell us

“The mere insight into our list of current projects made us face the facts. We want too much. Insight gives real perspective.”


“NRP’s approach is easy to follow, no thick slide decks and with respect to our organisational culture. The structure that you have introduced brings peace of mind in our IT department.”


“Highly competent, both in terms of broad content and project management –
very results-oriented –
hands-on mentality –
hugely flexible / agile –
a lot of energy / positivity – extremely pleasant cooperation.”


Target audience

Executives, department managers and programme leaders who want to create a project portfolio or have it analysed.

Project assessment


Project assessment


Projects cost organisations a lot of time, money, and effort. If everything goes well, the organisation takes an important step forward, but the consequences if things do not go well are usually big. Are you (partly) responsible for the success of an important project? Do you have questions like: Can we do this ourselves? Do we depend too much on the supplier? Do we have the risks under control? Can our project be done cheaper? Can we increase the predictability of our planning? And will the expected benefits be realised? In these cases an external pair of eyes or a cross-thinker are no luxury.

This is our project assessment

A project assessment by NRP is an independent assessment of your project that provides you with information on the status of the project or programme. We help you avoid common pitfalls and make pragmatic recommendations to move the project forward. We make visible what is going well, what is going not so well, and what you can do about it.

This is how it works

In an assessment, it is important to know why projects often fail to deliver the desired results, to recognise the symptoms behind these failures in time and to tackle the root causes. By interviewing those involved and studying all relevant documentation, we create a picture of your project and organisation. We act as a critical friend. We do this not only based on our knowledge and experience, but also on the latest scientific insights. Our project assessment and advice is discussed with the most important project stakeholders, in order to gain support and develop understanding. This gives you insight into the status of the project and a list of follow-up actions to successfully complete the project with confidence.

As a result of this assessment

  • You will know where your project stands and how much time it will take to finish.
  • You have insight into the most important project risks and how you can limit these.
  • We have shared our observations, experiences and possible project interventions with you.
  • We will ensure that safeguards are in place to improve the quality of the most important project processes and project deliverables.
  • You will have increased confidence in the success of your project and the capability to realise a faster and cheaper project delivery.


Then be sure to contact Maarten Broekhuizen and ask for an informal conversation.

+31 6 51 88 55 49

What our clients tell us

“The ERP implementation turned out to be more complex than anticipated. This was reason enough to halt the implementation and reconsider the basic principles and approach. The halt led to a depreciation of €18 million, part of the amount invested up to that point. After the assessment, we adjusted the governance and continued with fewer people. These interventions got the project back on track.”


“For my part, I would like to thank you for your input and commitment. NRP has helped to get the process back on track and ultimately made the implementation successful.”


“Without your interventions, we would never have come this far. Thank you!”

Target audience

Project sponsors, steering committee members and programme leaders who want to know how their project is doing and how they can increase the success of their project.