Client case
Restoring organisational pride
A loss-making business unit of a listed company is on the edge of bankruptcy. This organisation of over 120 employees, with various activities in the IT sector, could not develop and realise a successful strategy for the future by itself.
Peter was responsible for this project as interim director, and has led the complete turnaround from loss-making to profit-making. With leadership and conviction, as well as strong change management skills, Peter motivated and inspired the team. This led to a strong can-do attitude, which paved the way to success.

After analysing the entire organisation and its business proposition, a new strategy was developed. First of all, confidence in the organisation’s own capabilities was restored. The entire team was provided with the correct and most current relevant business information. This transparency and the opportunity to participate contributed to the right mentality to implement the changes. Core activities were redefined and greatly improved in terms of quality. Activities that did not fit the new strategy were optimised and sold. Running projects were completed and other activities were stopped. In the final stage, this unit was successfully integrated into an existing business unit of the same listed company.
Without a reorganisation budget, positive figures were achieved after nine months. Six months ahead of schedule. At the start, the Supervisory Board regarded this problem as the most critical in the organisation. After integration with an existing business unit, this component expanded rapidly and became one of the company’s most profitable units. The work climate in the organisation was a lot more positive than before, which enabled further professionalisation.
Decisive factors during this project
Crucial to this project’s success were both the analysis of the business proposition and the restoration of organisational pride. At the start there was no focus and no clear vision on what action to take. Developing and implementing the new proposition was very important, as well as restoring confidence. Managing the change was essential. The required focus was obtained by motivating all employees and giving them a clear goal.